The Challenge

“Despite economic growth averaging 4.8 per cent over the last decade and recent improvements in human development indicators, Nepal remains one of the poorest countries in the world” ( This poor economic situation creates a hot spot of human trafficking for both forced labor and sexual explotation. As one example: “traffickers use Nepal’s open border with India to transport Nepali women and children to India for sex trafficking, including under the guise of “orchestra dancers,” where girls dance at public functions and men sexually exploit them” (

Statistics vary on the number of Nepalese women who fall prey to traffickers, but social workers in the country estimate that about 200,000 girls and women are working in Indian brothels, with up to 7,000 more arriving every year.” (The Guardian).

Many people migrate to other countries for work in search of ways to support their families. This enforces the thinking that in order to honor one’s family and support them financially, one needs to go to a different country. This cultural norm reinforces why one might willingly decide to go into the human trafficking industry, thinking they are doing a helpful thing for their family even at great expense to themselves personally. They are often unaware that even the men could be forced to work for little to nothing and have their visas withheld (

This economic issue is also paired with a lack of education and social norms of inequality, particularly among women as 59% of adolescent girls from Nepal have not studied beyond primary school and “7% of girls are married by age 15 and 40% by age 18” ( Without basic problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, many women are left vulnerable and gullible to lies they may hear about work in India. Not knowing how to read or write or even sign their own name on a piece of paper leaves them vulnerable to those that may want to take advantage of their weakness.


A Solution

The Freedom Hub, a guest house in the Himalayan foothills, serves as an outpost for growth, hospitality, and freedom. Its strategic location at the “end” of the road in an area known for its trafficking history means that it can act as a starting point for initiating future growth and community engagement programs in the surrounding villages. Our passion is for both local and foreign short-term teams to have a space where they can visit this remote area, gain fresh perspective and insights, and return home as advocates changed by their experience. At the same time, teams that come allow The Freedom Hub opportunity to forge new connections and support the local economy. We have a desire to see people transformed and given an opportunity to experience lasting freedom in more ways than one.

Business Geared Toward Providing Decent Work, Quality Education, Reducing Inequalities and Increasing Gender Equality Particularly with Girls and Women.

Target: Work towards eliminating all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation (Target 5.2)

Target: Promote full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value (Target 8.5)

Target: Empower and promote economic inclusion for all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status (Target 10.P)

Measured by

  • What phase the project is in: Land Development, Construction, Post-Construction.

  • Describe what progress has been made on The Freedom Hub each quarter.

  • How many at-risk women stayed at the Freedom Hub or benefited from each quarter?

  • What efforts have been made each quarter to prepare for the Freedom Hub grand opening and community outreach events? 

  • What community events and partnerships occurred each quarter. (once operational)

  • Number of temporary employees hired each quarter (primarily referring to construction workers).

  • Number of full-time or part-time employees at the guesthouse each quarter.

The Freedom Hub, a guest house in the Himalayan foothills, serves as an outpost for growth, hospitality, and freedom. Its strategic location at the “end” of the road in an area known for its trafficking history means that it can act as a starting point for initiating future growth and community engagement programs in the surrounding villages. Their passion is for both local and foreign short-term teams to have a space where they can visit this remote area, gain fresh perspective and insights, and return home as advocates changed by their experience. At the same time, teams that come allow The Freedom Hub opportunity to forge new connections and support the local economy. We have a desire to see people transformed and given an opportunity to experience lasting freedom in more ways than one.

What Does Your Donation Go Towards?

  • Total goal of $200K

  • Construction of The Freedom Hub which will be the home base for all future branch offices: This includes office building, staff housing, a guest house, dining hall, and bathrooms. It could also include extra projects on The Freedom Hub property such as a greenhouse for sustainable living, badminton court for community engagement, etc.


Center for Entrepreneurial Food Producers


South Asian English Institute