Vision and Values
Our Mission
Helping Resource-Deprived Communities Thrive By Creating Sustainable Economic And Social Improvement Through Partnerships With Social Ventures Around The Globe In Line With United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
Our Values
We value Professionalism and Generosity. We believe in performing our work with excellence, having a high degree of knowledge, character, and leadership. We believe that our professionalism is not meant for our own personal gain; therefore, we generously give our knowledge, resources, time, energy, and finances.
We value Community. We believe in the dignity of all people. We believe we are not the heroes in our activities, rather it takes teamwork alongside these communities. To do so, it takes real, personal connection.
We value Measurable Improvement. We believe social impact can be seen and measured, both quantitatively by the metrics we set and qualitatively by the stories of the lives changed.
We value Empowered Sustainability. We believe real change means sustainability and ownership by these communities. In line with Community, we seek to empower the communities we work with to be their own change agents.
We value Integrity and Transparency. We believe in being honest, open, and doing what we say we’re going to do. We believe in the legal accountability structures set in place by authorities in any country and seek to abide them.
Our Team
Michael Blumer
Executive Director
Michael started two businesses while living abroad and working for a chamber of commerce and private business incubator. He provides leadership to another international nonprofit, helping social entrepreneurs around the world start and operate their social ventures.
Kathleen Ungren
Chief Operating Officer
Kathy is an experienced non-profit manager focusing on the financial and regulatory aspects of an organization. She has served on the boards of a food bank, a domestic violence shelter and women's scholarships groups in her local community.
Janell Sitler
Project Manager
Janell has 15 years of experience as an interior designer working alongside clients to bring their projects to life. She finds joy in the details and works efficiently to see projects to completion.
Our Board
Mikel Berger
Mikel started his first software business as a student at Purdue University and then helped start a non-profit co-working space. His current investment partnership buys and grows small businesses in his local community. Mikel also serves on the board of a non-profit orphan care facility and school in South Africa.
Nathan Burns
Nathan Burns is a fundraising professional with a record of helping nonprofits scale their fundraising operations, from nonprofit start-ups to organizations with $70M operations. His first board experience was with a start-up nonprofit in Orlando, restoring women who have been trafficked, and he is now excited to serve on the board of Professionals International to help resource-deprived communities thrive.
Johnny Fowler
Johnny has 33 years of experience in non-profit organizations in the US. His experience includes managing international financial operations.
Caleb Bogia-Curles
Caleb lives in central Pennsylvania with a burgeoning young family and a passion for creative problem-solving. His varied background includes nonprofit leadership, business development, and entrepreneurship. Today, he is a financial planner seeking to help a variety of entities plan effectively and give more to the causes they support. Working extensively with nonprofits is one of the best parts about this vocation.
Patrick Butts
Patrick is the Legal Operations and Information Governance Manager for a diversified financial services company in Dallas, Texas.
Celeste Arsenault
Celeste is a human resource professional with a focus on all aspects of total rewards. Originally from Birmingham, AL, she now resides in Massachusetts with her husband and three boys. Celeste received her undergrad in business from Huntingdon College and is currently pursuing a masters in business at Harvard University. Celeste has nearly two decades of non-profit engagement and sponsorship experience.