The Challenge

In a growing global network and economy, the English language has become a necessity. In India, lack of good English communication causes people to regularly suffer in education and job opportunities, and therefore, economically as well. Indians are often not considered for job promotions because of their lack of English fluency. This is true even within national companies. Higher Education is almost exclusively done in English. Those without English generally cannot get into good universities, or if they do manage to get in, they struggle to keep up with their studies.

This is also true for the state of Himachal Pradesh, India, known as the “Hill State,” partly located in the Himalayas. “English has limited functional domains (in HP)... The language is not used by people for communication except among the elite. [A] number of English medium schools have come up all over the state in the race to learn English which has become a language of opportunities in the globalized world” (ResearchGate). Part of the problem is lack of motivation for those in rural areas to see the need to learn a foreign language and the push for learning Hindi as the national language in a region with already so many different languages and dialects

However, these global opportunities result in wealthier and more socially conscious Indians eventually returning to India to promote equality and economic opportunities. There are over 32 million Indians living globally abroad, primarily in the Middle East, followed by the USA, UK, and Canada. Money sent back to India from Indians working abroad accounts for 2.9% of India’s GDP with 59% of that going directly to help family maintenance. 

A Solution

South Asian English Institute provides quality English instruction at affordable rates to people of all ages to speak English better and faster and be prepared to pass the IELTS exam (International English Language Testing System). These skills will open the door for better educational and employment opportunities, thereby reducing inequalities in the society at large. 

They are situated to be the preeminent IELTS and Multi-Skill English training center in Himachal Pradesh. Their goals include creating video courses and providing visa consultancy services as well.

Business Activities Geared Towards Promoting Quality Education, Ensure Inclusive And Equitable Quality Education And Promote Decent Work For All.

Target: Work towards ensuring that individuals have access to quality education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes. (Adapted from 4.1) 

Target: Promote full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value. (Adapted from Target 8.5)

Target: Empower and promote economic inclusion for all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status (Adapted from Target 10.2)

Measured by

  • Number of students enrolled in English courses at the institute this quarter.

  • Number of students who advanced from one level of schooling to the next at the institute this quarter.

  • Progress has been made on the online IELTS training courses being developed for

  • Number of IELTS students who attended higher education outside of India (list total number of all students known throughout the duration of the project).

  • Number of individuals who attended the free English Club this quarter.

  • Progress made on the scholarship for low-income and scheduled caste individuals.

  • Number of full-time local employees.

  • Number of part-time local employees.

  • Progress made in establishing visa counseling services.

South Asian English Institute provides quality English instruction at affordable rates to open the door for better educational and employment opportunities, including minority groups, thereby reducing inequalities in society at large.

What Does Your Donation Go Towards?

  • Microphones, video recording equipment, furniture, and sound-proofing foam to outfit a recording studio for video courses. 

  • Sound-proofing foam, tables, chairs, 2 TVs to fully furnish 3 classrooms

  • A duplex laser printer for printing lessons, homework, and curriculum

  • Marketing funds for statewide print and digital marketing campaigns: billboards, print, and social media.

  • Start up salary for teachers and office staff


The Freedom Hub


Sea Cucumber Farm