Made New

Made New combines the ancient craftsmanship and wisdom of Laos with modern tech and design to transform single use waste (i.e. plastic bags) into high value household products (i.e. fabric goods). This model relies on the strength of Lao people and brings their skill to the global market. Through this work, they are increasing economic opportunity, providing safe and dignifying work; while also..

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The Freedom Hub

The Freedom Hub seeks to support the work of Himalayan Freedom Co. by developing a support center/guest house as a “hub” for future offices established in Nepal. The Freedom Hub will help the business to further its mission, work, and purpose by setting a foundation for its “10-10-10” vision - 10 new offices in the next 10 years in 10 villages. This strategically placed center will be instrumental in supporting new managers, creating an easier flow of products and materials, and …

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In so many areas of the world, safe employment and job training can be the difference between life and death, and can be the foothold needed to escape the cycle of poverty. Latitudes partners with a broad range of small artisan businesses in over 11 different countries and helps develop marketable products and effective sales channels that allow for employment, job training, and sustainable income for families and individuals.

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