Made New

Made New combines the ancient craftsmanship and wisdom of Laos with modern tech and design to transform single use waste (i.e. plastic bags) into high value household products (i.e. fabric goods). This model relies on the strength of Lao people and brings their skill to the global market. Through this work, they are increasing economic opportunity, providing safe and dignifying work; while also..

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Bugkalot Coffee

Deep within the rural communities of the Philippines, live some of the poorest of the country. The communities covered under this project are rural tribal communities (called Barangays) situated in remote mountain areas within the municipality of Dupax del Sur, in the province of Nueva Vizcaya. Within Dupax del Sur, Abaca & Talbek (the Bugkalot barangays) are some of the poorest barangays, given their remote location, low education level, lack of infrastructure, and low economic activity.

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TojTabii Juice Production

TojTabii is working to establish a network of independent regional juice producers who are producing high quality, natural fruit juice while packaging and selling under one brand. Although regional fruit production is high, it often goes to waste because they lack the production facilities to turn their second sort fruit into profitable juice. Through partnerships and establishing new production facilities, TojTabii seeks to equip locals to earn a profitable wage locally and reduce food waste.

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In so many areas of the world, safe employment and job training can be the difference between life and death, and can be the foothold needed to escape the cycle of poverty. Latitudes partners with a broad range of small artisan businesses in over 11 different countries and helps develop marketable products and effective sales channels that allow for employment, job training, and sustainable income for families and individuals.

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Sulamina Chocolate

Being faithful to their motto "life, opportunity, chocolate" means fair staff wages and benefits, developing new staff skills, empowering staff leadership, fair trade with farmers, promoting plant diversity and agricultural best practices, utilizing solar energy and eco-friendly packaging.

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