Center for Entrepreneurial Food Producers

The Center for Entrepreneurial Food Producers in Indonesia exists to train young (under 40 yrs old) food producers with entry level involvement in sustainable agribusiness activities. They will train small and medium scale food producers in both production and agribusiness practices. This happens through a 15-week residential apprenticeship on a 22 acre farm located in Indonesia

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India, SDG2 - Zero Hunger, SDG4 - Quality Education Professionals International India, SDG2 - Zero Hunger, SDG4 - Quality Education Professionals International

Coaching Center

The Prakasam Coaching Center is an after-school program focused on boosting the literacy and reducing the dropout rate of underprivileged rural children living near the Western Ghats mountains of India by providing transportation, homework help, computer and English language training, school uniforms, textbook and school supplies, as well as a daily meal. Every student and family is expected to “pay it forward” by requiring students to coach their siblings or peers.

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