Professionals International

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Burning Poo for Heat

Every farmer has animals and a source of premium fertilizer and clean renewable energy that is going to waste. The odorless effluent from a biogas digester is free from dangerous pathogens and weed seeds that come with spreading raw animal manure on fields. Biofertilizer studies consistently show increased crop production – at times dramatic increases. Also as bacteria breaks down manure in the digester, methane is released, a directly burnable fuel source that could heat a vegetable greenhouse doubling the growing season. 

Integrated CA is a business initiative with a charitable mission - to incorporate livestock, bio-digester, greenhouse, and fodder crops into an integrated farming model that is scalable and accessible to Kyrgyz farmers; demonstrate its effectiveness and profitability; and become a provider of integrated farm training and technical components. The vision includes a research and development department that continuously monitors the technical nuances of the farm, making available the site and facilities for research teams, local and regional farmers, NGO’s, and governmental entities for the purpose of education, training, and duplication. Further integration of components could include application of excess biogas to food processing, canning, and preserving of farm products during seasons of peak growth / low commodity prices.