Village Library System


The Challenge

Indonesia consists of 270 million people across more than 17,000 islands. This unique geographical situation causes unequal infrastructure developments across the islands and provinces to meet the population’s educational, health, and economic needs. 

Although official literacy figures from the Indonesian government rate child and adult literacy fairly high for most provinces (UNESCO), these numbers show only part of the picture. Many Indonesians have basic reading skills but they lack access to materials that will strengthen and expand their literacy ability so as to function at a higher level of productivity. Young readers lack access to reading materials, which will stimulate their creativity and encourage them on to new heights and broader understanding.

Government-run literacy programs in recent years have focused on underdeveloped, frontier and outer most areas but they are more difficult to reach, especially during the pandemic. Many people, especially in more remote rural areas, have developed coping strategies to compensate for their basic literacy skills, and they need post-literacy or non-formal educational programs to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.

A Solution

One of our longest-standing projects is the Village Library System, which operates a system of village libraries or “reading posts” in central Sumatra (Indonesia). These provide not only easy access to books, but also act as mini-community centers where their partners and volunteers encourage children and adults to read, tutor, help with homework, and facilitate community transformation.  

They set up the basic facilities necessary for a central library, which includes bookshelves and books, in residential areas, local schools, and tutoring centers. They also pay for the administrative costs necessary to run and sustain each operation. Transformation is enabled by hosting presentations and discussions with local residents on how to tackle community challenges in the areas of healthcare, education, housing, and unemployment. 

The Village Library System is also a pathway for another organization to sponsor children with food, health care, nutrition, and education. They currently have between 8-10 reading posts with 9 full-time employees earning a local living wage or higher and sponsor 120 children.

Business Activities Geared Towards Promoting Quality Education, Ensure Inclusive And Equitable Quality Education And Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities For All

Target: Ensure access to education and vocational training for the vulnerable, indeginous people and children in vulnerable situations (adapted from target 4.5)

Measured By:

  • Number of full-time and part-time employees

  • Number of village libraries/reading posts opened

  • Number of kids sponsored

  • Number of employees/volunteers training in Community Health Education

Village Library System operates a system of village libraries or “reading posts” in central Sumatra (Indonesia). These provide not only easy access to books, but also act as mini-community centers where their partners and volunteers encourage children and adults to read, tutor, help with homework, and facilitate community transformation. The Village Library System is also a pathway for another organization to sponsor children with food, health care, nutrition, and education.

What Does Your Donation Go Towards?

  • Books

  • Library/Reading Post equipment and administrative fees

  • Employee salaries to operate individual locations


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