The Challenge

Migration is the single most important external source of income for Tajikistan. Remittances have been a major engine of economic growth for more than ten years. Russia has the largest employment of migrant Tajiks. Lack of employment opportunity encourages involuntary migration and dependence on foreign remittances which reduces incentives to develop domestic economies and local investment

It’s also not the safest choice of employment. “Beyond hostility [due to cultural perceptions of migrant workers], Tajiks, who often have only a basic command of the Russian language, may also face problems with law enforcement: spot document checks by police represent an opportunity for extortion. In addition, foreign workers may be exploited by employers, who often cheat them of their wages, sometimes physically abuse them, or force them to work without pay” (

“In the long term, emigration will bring more harm than good to Tajikistan’s economy. Migration has been a lifeline for the Tajik population, providing a means for households to survive and, in some cases, lift themselves out of poverty. Yet very little of the capital accumulated through migration is re-invested in Tajikistan in ways that help the domestic economy develop beyond assisting individual households” ( It is not a sustainable model for economic stability. This is a concern particularly when a global or regional crisis occurs such as was evident during the COVID pandemic and current regional conflict.

This is evident in Tajikistan's ongoing food insecurity problem. “Overall food security deteriorated sharply during the peak of the crisis [COVID pandemic] across a range of indicators, with rising shares reporting going hungry, reducing dietary diversity, and worries over obtaining enough food. Similar increases in vulnerability were seen in reduced ability to pay for utilities, and in coping mechanisms such as selling assets and reduced spending on medical care. Although most such non-food coping strategies stabilized and returned to their typical levels by 2021, food insecurity remains alarmingly high and well above the pre-pandemic norm” (WorldBank).

A Solution

Transoxiana Outfitters uses sustainable tourism to provide employment opportunities in Tajikistan where insufficient income often leads to food insecurity. Transoxiana Outfitters handles logistical, guiding, and hospitality matters for a variety of types of expeditions undertaken in Tajikistan. As Transoxiana Outfitters expands its services in the adventure tourism market, their goal is to increase employment opportunities for the local population in addition to equipping, training, and providing fair wages.

Business Geared Toward Decent Work & Economic Growth.

Target: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all (Adapted from 8.3)

Target: Promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products (Adapted from 8.9).

Measured by:

  • Number of full-time, part-time, and/or temporary workers employed each quarter.

  • Number of employees and local individuals trained in sustainable adventure and/or eco-tourism each quarter. Adventure categories include: white water rafting, mountaineering, climbing, cycling; Eco-tourism examples: wildlife photography, butterfly watching, wildlife safaris.

  • Number of sustainable adventure and/or eco-tourism training trips that occurred each quarter.

  • How much money flowed to this area that would not have otherwise without the project for economic growth.

  • Did you conduct an employee survey this quarter? Y/N.

    • a. If yes, please provide a short written summary or share a copy of the survey results.

Transoxiana Outfitters uses sustainable tourism to provide employment opportunities in Tajikistan where insufficient income often leads to food insecurity. Transoxiana Outfitters handles logistical, guiding, and hospitality matters for a variety of types of expeditions undertaken in Tajikistan. As Transoxiana Outfitters expands its services in the adventure tourism market, their goal is to increase employment opportunities for the local population in addition to equipping, training, and providing fair wages.

What Does Your Donation Go Towards?

  • Initial Employment and Administration (ie. $250 covers a guide’s salary for a month.)

  • Outfitter Equipment such as crampons, Ice axes, stoves, cookware, tents, sleeping bags, drysuits, life jackets, water filters, rafts, tents, etc. (i.e. $400-500 buys one alpine grade backpack for issue to guides)

  • $4000-6000 provides NRS reliable quality white water rafts to be used by guides and company, in addition to rental availability to clients. 

  • Trainings: travel + accommodation


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