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Fatherland on par with Ecology Concerns

Ecology is a hot topic in the world’s concerns over the environment. UNICEF states:

“Although the world's international organizations, financial institutions and governments must band together to address climate change and other environmental threats, individuals can do their part, too, by adopting eco-friendly habits and committing to sustainable living.”

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This interest in the ecology is particularly true in the Issyk Kul region of Kyrgyzstan today. This region is home to our project Fatherland Ethno-Tourism. FatherLand is an ethno-tourism showcase project on an entire block of shorefront land in the heart of Lake Issyk Kul, an area designated for tourism development. Their goal is to help develop attractive and sustainable tourism experiences through “Yurt Conversion'' trailer kits. These kits, which are on display and in use on site, offer at least four ecologically-safe toilet options. They will be available to the community at zero investment through “lease to own” or grants to local families in appropriate locations.

Ecology is such a concern in this region that environmentalists and local residents are pushing back against the government’s newest idea for a $20 Billion “Future City.” Even though the explicit goal is to build "an environmentally friendly and modern city,” they want an even stronger guarantee that this will be ecologically safe for the area. Providing a place for 500,000 residents pose lots of concerns about water, waste, and habitat destruction.

So the registration of Fatherland’s Eco/Ethno tourism project was immediately met with a lot of encouragement from the authorities. An additional great achievement so far is that the four local families impacted by this project are the legal founders of the NGO and thus now the owners of a large shore front property at Issyk Kul. This alone is a huge success in the area of self-sustainability for them and security for their futures. With just $40,000 of money that came through they closed the deal on the project and now have $186,000 in assets with zero debts!

Learn more about Fatherland Ethno-Tourism and donate to their cause here.